Sunday, November 20, 2011

When I sleep on my left side I have normal dreams, when I sleep on my right side I have abnormal dreams.
This awesome pic message was sent from a Virgin Mobile phone.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

So the gov' found a way to take more money way from me, friggin hell. no matter what, it's take take take with them. I've been so unhappy these day, I just wanna save for a truck but the likely hood of that isnt gunna happen, I can't even work harder for it because I already have 2 jobs, working 60+ hours a week. WHY can't I get ahead in life? I don't buy expensive things, don't own a home, I just wanna cry, if I ever could again. Added frustration is the woman isnt interested AT ALL. Really hurts + makes life harder. Sigh.

Friday, August 05, 2011


I did it, I caved and bought pokemon heartgold. not because I wanna play it but because I dont want to miss another potentially awesome pokemon game. I cant seem to pry myself away from the cheap gameboy I bought last week.

Man, I see this gal on skytrain last night, she was sitting right beside her boyfriend, and the whole time, shes checking me out!!!!!! I swear this guy was buff, but she kept looking at me. I smiled at her when I got off the train, and she gave me this look of "take me now:" argh, I'm still thinking of her :(

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Well, I finally did it. I beat the Elite Four. Man those bastards were tough. After I beat Lance I revived 2 out of the other 5 dead, and I was gunna heal more but instead I walked closer to my rival iPhone, and he sucked me right into a battle. Let me tell you, it came down to Charazard vs Arecanine. Had he used Extremespeed I would of lost. Thankfully, he didn't and I was able to Fly. I had 12hp left when I took it from him. Damn. What a night.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

... (Random guy stairring me down) anyway, where was I, oh yes.. I am also able to play DS games! Yay Pokemons galore!! I don't know why I'm so hooked. But I remember my first pokemon experience, of my parents not allowing me to get the cards, apparently I was "too old" for them. Well, after a long wait I got my first card, Ponyta. Then I remember after earning some cash, I saved up for a Starme. I remember going into the card store and feeling so determined to get the best team. Then I remember getting my blue version. Spending hours with my brothers and neighbors kickin ass and taking names... * Maybe that's what feeling I'm trying to recreate.*
Sent from my BlckBrry.
So blog, I found a cheap nintendo DS, which is friggen awesome. It's the older model which happens to have the gameboy advance port still but also..
This awesome pic message was sent from a Virgin Mobile phone.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I've been so stressed out lately. My hours at my main gig have been getting drastically getting less and less. I love the job, I enjoy doing the same thing over and over again, that way nothing will be forgotten.. I guess that's a benefit of having ADD. I got lucky that I won't be working split shifts this week. The smartest guy out of both of us ended up getting them. I think they realize that I'm gunna be a lifer. I'd like to be promoted to a better paying position, but for right now, I'm stuck there for 6 months for the probationary period. Hopefully all goes good cause I accidentally took out a window of another vehicle when I over corrected. It's so friggen hard. :( not so happy.
Sent from my BlckBrry.