Saturday, July 23, 2011

Well, I finally did it. I beat the Elite Four. Man those bastards were tough. After I beat Lance I revived 2 out of the other 5 dead, and I was gunna heal more but instead I walked closer to my rival iPhone, and he sucked me right into a battle. Let me tell you, it came down to Charazard vs Arecanine. Had he used Extremespeed I would of lost. Thankfully, he didn't and I was able to Fly. I had 12hp left when I took it from him. Damn. What a night.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

... (Random guy stairring me down) anyway, where was I, oh yes.. I am also able to play DS games! Yay Pokemons galore!! I don't know why I'm so hooked. But I remember my first pokemon experience, of my parents not allowing me to get the cards, apparently I was "too old" for them. Well, after a long wait I got my first card, Ponyta. Then I remember after earning some cash, I saved up for a Starme. I remember going into the card store and feeling so determined to get the best team. Then I remember getting my blue version. Spending hours with my brothers and neighbors kickin ass and taking names... * Maybe that's what feeling I'm trying to recreate.*
Sent from my BlckBrry.
So blog, I found a cheap nintendo DS, which is friggen awesome. It's the older model which happens to have the gameboy advance port still but also..
This awesome pic message was sent from a Virgin Mobile phone.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I've been so stressed out lately. My hours at my main gig have been getting drastically getting less and less. I love the job, I enjoy doing the same thing over and over again, that way nothing will be forgotten.. I guess that's a benefit of having ADD. I got lucky that I won't be working split shifts this week. The smartest guy out of both of us ended up getting them. I think they realize that I'm gunna be a lifer. I'd like to be promoted to a better paying position, but for right now, I'm stuck there for 6 months for the probationary period. Hopefully all goes good cause I accidentally took out a window of another vehicle when I over corrected. It's so friggen hard. :( not so happy.
Sent from my BlckBrry.

Friday, July 08, 2011


It's the telltale sign of that tangy barbecue sauce that's left its mark on your lips. The fact that the tender boneless pork is smothered in it means there's no way of getting away with this love affair.
Sent from my BlckBrry.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Well, today was my 26th birthday, congratulations. You know blog, for most of my life I tend to forget my actual age, for whatever reason, I always seem to think I'm 19. It doesnt make any sense as to why I cant seem to remember my age, I remember the date though, so that's good, just not what year or how many it's been since I was born. Consequential, the number 19 is my favorite number. I love the way it looks and sounds even if it's written out it's awesome, I'd change my last name to Nineteen even... but today I'm 26.